The modern CRM System is becoming increasingly more prominent in today’s workforce. It stores and analyzes your data providing you with insights into your next steps so that you always put your client first. To do this, remember that a CRM isn’t just a tool for the sales team, it needs to be adopted by all departments to be most effective. That means sales, marketing, customer service, and management should all be collaborating and contributing to your CRM. However, when it comes to customer service a lot of companies have a huge blind spot. It exists in their business process and even their CRM data. It’s the call center.
Customer Satisfaction & Retention
The call center is a central part of customer service. Not only does it have the most contact with your customers but it has customer contact at pivotal moments. Customers call when something goes wrong, when something isn’t working, when they have a grievance of some sort, or simply when they need some information. How these calls are handled are vital to overall customer satisfaction and retention.
As a result, it goes without saying that such a key role should be provided with every tool necessary for success in order to keep your customers happy. However, this branch of most companies often gets neglected. Stop that today by applying your CRM to your call center.
Here are some ways in which a CRM can keep your call center on top:
Customer Profiles
CRMs arrange your captured data into profiles. They list customer information all in one place:
- Contact information
- Social media accounts
- Purchase history
- Engagement activity
- Communications with your company
It stores a wealth of information and this pertinent data becomes increasingly valuable with each customer service interaction. When a customer service rep knows exactly who they are talking to as well as their history they can anticipate needs and arrive at a solution much faster. This data driven approach eliminates the need for customers to re-enter information that your company already has thereby increasing customer satisfaction.
With a CRM you can implement a ticketing system. This means that every issue is logged under its own unique ticket. From there every communication, action and resolution associated with that issue can be logged under that specific ticket. That way call centre reps know exactly what the issue is and what was done before so that they don’t repeat steps and instead can quickly get to the next solution. It is also a valuable tool for historical purposes. Tickets can be logged under a customer’s individual profile to keep account of all of the issues they have had in the past.
Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we do business. Not only does it allow customers to purchase from wherever they are, but businesses have had to adapt to provide messaging that is compatible with these devices. Further to that, mobile devices have allowed businesses to implement multimedia into their customer service platforms. Customers can now provide images and videos when contacting customer service. By leveraging the actionable data that smartphones provide companies can then enhance the conversational experience between them and their customers. The potential that comes with the mobile phone is so great that many companies have even opted to include a customer service feature in their own mobile apps.
We have all heard the keywords associated with CRM like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and even deep learning, but the goal of each is to provide intelligent automation. With this, you can increase your call center’s effectiveness and identify opportunities where your call center can improve. For instance, something as simple as queuing customer calls. Getting calls routed to the right queue the first time gets your customers helped, and on their way, faster. You want to ultimately guide your customers to a resolution as fast as you can and automation is the way to do so.
However, your call centers shouldn’t be a blind spot, they are opportunities to turn a negative customer impression into a positive one and should be handled with care and attention. Implement a robust CRM like SugarCRM that keeps your call centers operating at maximum efficiency.
If you’re looking to purchase a CRM or improve your current one fill out the link below. One of our certified experts will reach out to give you the help you need!