SugarCRM Hint Is Getting A Big Upgrade!

SugarCRM Hint is getting a big upgrade! It is the flagship offering of SugarCRM’s Relationship intelligence line of products. It is a CRM integration that helps you prep for meetings and calls quickly and easily by providing you with all of a customer’s data and contact information at a glance.

All you need to do is plug in their names and emails. This includes social media information and the customer or prospect’s sales information. When you are well prepared for a call or meeting then you can spend more time building relationships.

HINT Software

The SugarCRM Hint software has now been expanded beyond just leads and contacts. It now harvests data on businesses and organizations as a whole. If you enter a name and email address Hint will pull up all of the customer data but will also pull up the corporate data of the organization at which the customer works.

However, it pulls data from a variety of social and public data sources in order to achieve this. For example, some of the data it pulls includes industry information, location, the company’s public revenue information,  and the corporate social media accounts. All of this data is at your fingertips quickly and easily so that you will be far more prepared for your interactions than before.

Automatic Process

This upgrade eliminates the previous need for manual research and data entry. It also gives you a broader profile to work with in terms of the individual prospect and their company’s profile. The data mining process for the company’s info is automatic, which saves time and effort allowing you to focus on other aspects of your sales strategy.

Meanwhile, the company data becomes a useful tool for an increased number of departments, while SugarCRM Hint was primarily for the sales team before the upgrade, now it can be a useful tool for departments like the customer success and customer support teams.

The software is available for an introductory price of $15 per user per month and it is compatible with the Sugar 7.8 or later.

Check out the Hint overview video here for more about SugarCRM Hint and how it can help you! 

If you are looking for technology and business processes improvement to help you propel your business toward success, give us a call today!

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