SugarCRM features a program throughout the year called “partner spotlight” where for two weeks one SugarCRM partner is given time to shine. Therefore, the selected SugarCRM Elite Implementation Partner can show off the newest content of their choices. For example, a whitepaper, a case study, a blog post, or an upcoming event.
In addition, MasterSolve a SugarCRM Elite Partner was chosen to be the focus of the Implementation Partner Spotlight for the second time from April 27th, 2020 – May 10th, 2020 and we couldn’t be more honored. Meanwhile, our content piece of choice to show off is our ongoing 5 in 15 webinar series. For instance, we cover 5 CRM and Marketing Automation pains solved with 5 solutions in 15 minutes. If you would like to check out the recordings of our past webinars or would like to sign up for upcoming ones please sign up here.
However, since we are SugarCRM’s Implementation Partner of the week we wanted to share some other highlights of the work we have done with them over the years. Below we have compiled our SugarCRM related content for you to enjoy: