Maintaining Customer Relationships with Demand Gen Marketing

Returning customers are by far your most important type of customer, as well as maintaining them. A customer who has purchased with you before and had a good experience is more likely to purchase again and again and again. On average, companies receive 40% of their business from return customers. So, it is important that your marketing strategy keeps this in mind when dealing with new customers. 

Marketing Campaigns

For instance, if you are a travel agency that has a great marketing campaign that attracts new customers. A prospect likes what they see and buys a travel package from you. However, a day later they receive an email from your newsletter offering 20% off of travel packages. This instantly makes them annoyed, they call you up and explain the situation and they receive the difference refunded to their credit cards. Everything has been made right but the damage is done.

Customers Not Segmented

That customer was treated like they were two different people. They were not segmented properly and as a result, they received an email that obviously was not intended for them, and that caused confusion and uncertainty. Now there is a possibility that this customer will not purchase from your travel company again.

You need to apply the same marketing strategies that you employ to attract new customers called demand generation marketing, to your strategy for turning new customers into returning customers called long-term customer care and satisfaction.

Marketing & Rentention

In recent years, the marketing industry has only been talking about marketing as it pertains to generating new leads, but no one is talking about marketing’s role in retention. The same principles and practices like segmentation, scoring, and lead nurturing, that are applied to generate new leads should also be used in customer marketing and retention. 

When a customer makes a purchase, you don’t just drop them and move on attracting another new customer. You stay with them along the customer journey. Companies should be using marketing automation strategies at various stages along the customer journey in order to nurture relationships and create repeat customers. These strategies should focus on ensuring that customers are successful and happy in the long term.

Automated Marketing Strategy

Many companies wrongfully believe that their customer service strategy is the solution to this problem but it is not. While customer support can tackle and solve customer problems when they arise, an automated customer marketing strategy anticipates and counteracts these problems before they happen. Being proactive instead of reactive is key.

Marketing Automation has become the brain of today’s business model, it connects departments and transforms the customer lifecycle for everyone who interacts with your brand. Give us a call if you are interested in a new marketing automation integration!

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