Get Into The Clouds With SugarCloud!

Our SugarCRM customers have been floating on cloud 9 but now Sugar is getting into the clouds! SugarCloud is Sugar’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) option. It provides the same data management services with quick easy implementation with consistent maintenance and updates.

Fast and Easy CRM Integration

Most importantly, SugarCloud provides fast and easy CRM integration. You will be up and running in minutes and the consistent updates to the cloud will ensure that you have the latest innovations. This makes your system less likely to need product support.

With the latest update in November, SugarCloud customers were able to get application upgrades, stack upgrades, improve the consistency of their runtime environment, better visibility into datasets, and better customization functionality.

Deliver Value

In the future, Sugar is looking to make its cloud service even more automated than it is today. It will deliver value through composable microservices that will surface easily across multiple applications making SugarCloud even easier to manage and maintain.

SugarCloud will become more commoditized allowing it to integrate with other best-in-class cloud technologies like Amazon Aurora, Comprehend, Google’s AI and Machine learning suite, and IBM Watson. But it will also be democratized allowing companies of all sizes to benefit from its capabilities.

Connect Users with Data

SugarCloud like all Sugar products aims to connect users with rich data through their easy to use applications. It provides a single management plane for its administrators and has built on industry standard protocols. It’s a one-stop shop for managing the entire SugarCloud ecosystem.

Similarly, SugarCloud integrated with SugarCRM makes it ten times easier to create a customized frontend, to increase its functionality and ease of use. It allows companies to achieve goals they never even dreamed of.

Helps Businesses Reach Goals

With centralized management and an ever-improving system, SugarCloud helps businesses to reach their goals. It provides a secure platform where users can easily access customer data and the applications that provide them with critical insights.

If you are looking to check out the SugarCloud system for your company or to add to your existing SugarCRM give us a call to discuss if it’s the right tool for your business.

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